alter-entorn came about from the desire to live in a more natural environment, far removed from the toxic chemicals that surround us. In an ordinary home, we use over 300 different chemicals every day; these end up in our bodies and those of our family members, even though we do not ingest them directly.
These toxins are harmful to the environment, and, over the long term, may lead to allergies, disrupt our bodily systems, or cause illness. The combination of microbiology and natural products has allowed us to create a wide range of products that contain absolutely no harmful chemicals and are yet equally or even more efficient than conventional products.
This being so, at alter-entorn we offer microbiological solutions for companies and individuals. We specialise in probiotic supplements, concentratedcleaning products, ecological gardening, pet health products and natural cosmetics. We also cover water treatments and waste treatments to combat some of the problems that people often encounter, such as plumbing blockages or unpleasant odours.
Join us in a chemical-free life to protect our environment and that of our families!