Compuesto ECO 3M 22L


Composed of organic matter, microorganisms of varied composition, and minerals, it improves the structure of the soil, provides and improves the absorption of nutrients for plants.



3M eco compost, composted organic matter, microorganisms and minerals. Fertilizing with well-composted organic material, unlike the contribution of non-composted organic waste, such as fresh manure, allows the contribution of stabilized organic matter in the form of humus to the soil, the gradual release of its nutrients and the use of a product free of pathogens and adventitious grass seeds.  A regular supply of 3M compost recovers the native microbial flora and soil structure. It provides nutrients and facilitates their absorption for plants, increasing the production and growth of crops. Reduces water stress, eliminates residual pathogenic chemicals and fungi. Promotes the restoration of unproductive soils.  Its results begin to be perceived from the first year, and are in their fullness in the third.


Additional information

Weight 22000 g

How to use

Put in small holes (between 6 and 10 cm) in the earth and cover them with the same, 10 m3 / hec minimum. Apply twice a year to maintain roots and produce vegetation. Do not sow until one month after application.