Bokashi organic waste bins (2x16l)


Two bins for the management of domestic organic waste. A leachate is extracted that we can use to water our plants, gardens and orchards, as well as to clean household pipes. In addition to organic matter very rich in nutrients that we can convert into compost through another process.



The bokashi bucket set consists of two buckets with a drainage tray and a tap for extracting the fertilizer liquid. The Bokashi organic waste buckets (2 units) are hermetically closed so that the fermentation process is carried out correctly without bad odors. Bokashi bran is used together.

Every 3 or 4 days the liquid is removed. You can use this liquid to fertilize your plants diluted 5cl/l. Every time we add organic matter or at the end of the day we will cover with a layer of bokashi. Bokashi bran activates fermentation, provides microorganisms and prevents bad odors.

Once the bokashi bucket is full, it is left covered for 15 days at room temperature, removing the leachate to finish the process. Use the other bucket to continue taking advantage of the organic waste in your home.

After 15 days you can bury the fermented organic matter in your orchard or garden as a nutrient for your plants or add it to the compost bin to obtain an excellent humus.

Due to its small dimensions, the bokashi cube is perfect for small spaces so we can have them in the kitchen or in any area of ​​our home, to facilitate its use, without any inconvenience.

Additional information

Weight 3266 g
Dimensions 54 × 33 × 27,5 cm

How to use

The organic remains cut into small pieces are deposited: vegetables, fruit crusts, traces of pasta, rice, bread, lactic, etc. The seeds and bones take a long time to decompose, you have to avoid the labels that can be found attached to the skin of the fruit, for example. The more varied the raw material, the better the final product.

Add about 20g of Bokashi above the waste to accelerate the process and avoid rot and bad odors. Every few days extract the leachate using the tap from the bottom of the bucket. About 30-50ml of liquid should be mixed per liter of water to irrigate the plants, since fermentation makes it a very concentrated liquid fertilizer. It can also be used to throw it into the drains. Bad odors will be eliminated and the pipes will be clean, with no possibility of clogging and obstructions.

It is recommended to place between 8 and 10 pieces of ceramic alter-entorn in the grid of the bottom of the cube in case bad odors appear detached from the accumulated leachate.
It is common for the liquid fertilizer to smell slightly acidic and have a whitish layer on top. It can be used during all times of the year in domestic plants. It is especially recommended two weeks before planting in horticulture.